[FIP - 177] Allocate 300000 $vlCVX votes for clevUSD/FraxBP for the next 6 epochs

Howdy friends! Kmets here and I am an active participant in the Curve/Convex/Frax ecosystem and a community booster/genie for AladdinDAO. Just wanted to offer my support for this proposal as it is certainly a win-win for both protocols and the Curve ecosystem in general. The CLever/Concentrator communities are chock full of unabashed Fraximalists, and we are excited to use our protocol’s tools to help Frax become the most dominant defi platform across the DeFi Trinity. Hopeful all of you veFXS holders consider voting for this proposal. And I am happy to answer any questions as well! Thanks!

P.S. :chicken: :smile:

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