Love to see FRAX growing in this direction.
Congrats to the team for having worked on the fundamentals for bridging RWAs benefits on-chain.
It’d be great to receive some flow of funds charts for the transactions mentioned above (1-4).
I also have additional questions:
Can we have an estimation of the overhead costs (especially overhead as the operational would be linked to the transactions themselves) as ultimately would be paid by the DAO? Transparency from the get-go on this (dashboard?) would be a strong signal towards the pros of our industry.
Any reason why not having added as a transaction type the minting and redemption of USDT while mentioned as a supported stablecoin on the website?
Would FinresPBC through minting and redeeming mechanism of USDC/USDP/FRAX be able to conduct arbitrage strategies, or would these transactions be out of scope? IF possible, I assume this process would need to be duly analysed, automatised, with parameters agreed at the DAO level at a later stage?
Any plans on tokenising holdings in FinresPBC on-chain? (i.e. on-chain trading of 6 months T bills held by the entity? If yes, any legal opinion on this? if not, is there any rationale?