Michael Henry
Propose the creation of a new Fraxlend pair on Fraxtal sfrxEth/sFRAX and corresponding AMO.
- Fraxlend Pair Name 1: sfrxEth/sFRAX
- Chain: Fraxtal
- Curve: New sfrxETH/sFRAX Curve
- Max Loan-to-Value (LTV): 75%
Background and Motivation:
My sfrxETH proposal laid out why I think we should offer a multitude of sFRAX lending pairs: [FIP - XXX] Create new sfrxEth/sFRAX Fraxlend Pair
Liquidity Profile:
The Max LTV is identical to that of the sfrxEth pool which is one of the largest Fraxlend pools, so that shouldn’t be a concern.
Curve Details:
Identical curve to sfrxETH/sFRAX Fraxlend Pair
- For: Approve the creation of the sfrxEth/sFRAX Fraxlend pair on Fraxtal with the specified max authorized allocation, curve, and max LTV. Authorize the AMO to allocate 1,000,00 FRAX to the AMO.
- Against: Do not approve the creation of the new Fraxlend pair and AMO.