Exiting a 3 years lock pool that is not getting rewards anymore

FRAX offers liquidity providers to lock their position for up to 3 years and, in exchange, get higher rewards. Users forfeit accessing their money because they expect to get some rewards until they can unlock it, higher rewards than those who have the freedom to leave at any point.

However, in some cases, the protocol has stopped incentivizing a pool. This means that users are stuck there and do not receive rewards anymore. This is unfair to the user. If the protocol stops adding rewards to that pool, they have trapped the user for up to 3 years in exchange for just some initial rewards.

Although this may seem beneficial short-term to the protocol, it is not even that positive, as pools not receiving rewards are generally those with minimal volume. But, especially, this is a terrible long-term approach, as those unhappy users are not going to lock ever again, or may even avoid every FRAX product.

If the protocol stops rewarding a pool, it is only fair to let those locked users exit it. Why do you offer 3 years locks otherwise? If you want users to commit long-term but do not want to keep rewarding a pool, you could think of other formulas, like bonds.

I am posting this not just because I am locked for over 2 years in a Convex FRAX pool that is not getting any rewards, but because I am also providing liquidity in several others with a minimum lock because, after this bad experience, I am scared of being stuck in those with no yield. I doubt that is beneficial for the protocol. You want me to stay there long-term, but I can only do so if I can expect to be treated fairly, which is not the case as of now.

Before making a specific proposal, I wanted to create this topic so we can talk about it. In my opinion, it is fine if the protocol decides to stop rewarding a pool but, in that case, users should be allowed to exit from it.

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Totally agree. Its short sighted and will make people think twice before locking up again or using the ecosystem.

I’m certainly not interested in ever locking again, which I think is very bad for the protocol.

i agree the current system is flawed.

i’m a day1 user of frax and have used 10+ pools / locked in most of them
(majority of them got unlocked because of transfers/stopping rewards )

i’m personally never going to lock a pool ever again (only in ones that maybe have a wrapper)

How is it that they got unlocked because of not receiving rewards? Did you have to pay any “rage quit fee”?

there were a couple of unlocks on very early pools due to no rewards if i remember correctly

i paid a rage quit fee for temple unlock tho

these pools were unlocked without fee’s

Sushi ( i think?)
fxs/frax (uni)

I proposed twice to leave a pool offering a fee but got rejected. I have no idea of what kind of fee they expect. It’s very frustrating.

In the past, the pool had to be deprecated

in any case keep an eye on this proposal :