[FIP - 288] Add Curve mkUSD/FRAXBP to the FXS gauge controller


Proposal to add the Curve mkUSD/FRAXBP to the FXS gauge controller.

Background And Motivation

Prisma is a decentralized borrowing protocol that allows users to mint a stablecoin, mkUSD, that is fully collateralized by liquid staking tokens. In addition to the collateral, the loans are secured by a Stability Pool containing mkUSD and by fellow borrowers collectively acting as guarantors of last resort.

Including Prisma’s pool in the FXS gauge controller is a logical step since they utilize sfrxETH as collateral, and we have made an initial investment in their protocol.

mkUSD/FRAXBP Curve Pool:

Curve Pool Address: https://curve.fi/#/ethereum/pools/factory-v2-342/deposit

Pool / Token : 0x0cfe5c777a7438c9dd8add53ed671cec7a5faee5

Gauge : 0xf184d80915ba7d835d941ba70cddf93de36517ee


  • For: Add a mkUSD/FRAXBP Curve pool to the FXS gauge controller
  • Against: Do nothing
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Proposal to add the Curve mkUSD/FRAXBP to the FXS gauge controller.


This proposal is up for voting here: Snapshot