Bacground & motivation
Continuing the push to make frxETH a base layer for liquidity pairing of governance tokens, this proposal aims to add a gauge for Convex wrapped positions of SDT/frxETH/crvUSD tripool.
Add an FXS gauge for the following Convex pool: SDT/frxETH/crvUSD
The staking token is a wrapped Convex staking position that receives CRV and CVX rewards.
Curve LP token: 0x954313005C56b555bdC41B84D6c63B69049d7847
Convex pool ID: 233
The wrapped staking position itself is an unmanaged trustless position and can be found on the Convex github at platform/ConvexStakingWrapperFrax.sol
For: Add triSDT to the FXS gauge controller as staked Convex positions
Against: Do nothing.
The wrapped staking position itself is an unmanaged trustless position and can be found on the Convex github at platform/ConvexStakingWrapperFrax.sol