[FIP - 318] Whitelisting FXBs for Frax Curve AMO


Frax Finance Core Team


This proposal seeks governance approval to whitelist FXBs (Frax Bond Tokens) in the Frax Curve Automated Market Operator (AMO) with a maximum allocation cap of 5 million FRAX per FXB, aiming to diversify Curve AMO strategies and enhance yield opportunities.

Background and Motivation

FXBs, as new products in the Frax ecosystem, are unique utility tokens that convert to FRAX stablecoins at a set maturity date. These trustless, zero-coupon bond-like tokens are entirely backed by FRAX, providing a yield curve and pricing the time value of lending FRAX back to the protocol. By including FXBs in the Frax Curve AMO, we aim to diversify Curve AMO strategies and support the adoption and growth of this innovative product. This integration aligns with our commitment to fostering a robust and versatile DeFi ecosystem.

Proposal Details:

FXB Documentation: FXBs - Frax Finance ¤

FXB-related addresses:

FXB Factory: 0x7a07D606c87b7251c2953A30Fa445d8c5F856C7A


  • For: Whitelisting FXBs for Frax Curve AMO with max allocation cap of 5 million FRAX per FXB
  • Against: Do nothing

Snapshot voting: [FIP - 318] Whitelisting FXBs for Frax Curve AMO