Standardize ragequit proposals and make it a feature and not a bug

Due to recent increases in ragequit proposals and people not being happy with their own action of being locked, I propose that we standardize the ragequit proposals for users who wants their funds back early. This proposal aims to make governance more effective while establishing clear and transparent expectations, with fairness that does not differentiate.


  • This proposal makes sure users who are unhappy with their position have a clear way to get their funds/LP position back with standardized costs.
  • It makes future governance for FRAX more effective with less need for discussion and less proposals
  • It protects the interest of our protocols liquidity system with a standardized fee which is intended to make it unattractive to ragequit
  • It protects the protocol from lowering the collateralization ratio below 100% from ragequit proposals.

This proposal does not in any way or form talk about unlocks, which is another topic best judged from case to case in regards to situation.

My proposal for a standardized ragequit is:
10% flat fee
0.5% fee per month left

Example 1: 1 month left of lock
10.5% of LP

Example 2: 36 months left of lock
28% of LP

Due to people being able to claim rewards, it is hard to retract those. To make standardization more easy, the flat rate was increased to 10%. This is more similar with some earlier ragequit proposals. The variable rate of 0.5% per month also accounts for other proposals with higher lock times and with a usual 20% ragequit fee.

There is also the worry about the collateralization ratio (from now refrenced as CR) of Frax Finance, and how ragequits impact on our long term goal of 100% CR. I therefore propose that we utilize a oracle to check CR, and if its below 100% ragequitting is not permitted. In this way, we can protect Frax from systemic risk, while still allowing participants that want to ragequit the possibility when it does not unnecessary damage the protocols interests.

I propose that all new gauges/locks have this option from start, so that this will be optional without going through governance. This means that contracts should have a easy to use front end for ragequitting, which may lead to more development work. The work for the front-end should be prioritized at the core teams discretion, to not distract for more short/mid term important matters. That may even mean a delay for new pairs to get the ragequit function. For old pairs, one have go through governance to enable a ragequit function. It is important to clearify that this proposal will still be relevant, and the terms outlined in this proposal will still apply in ragequitting of those old pairs. The proposals for old pairs will simply be if one should activate the ragequit function or not.

I propose LP the protocol takes in fees from the ragequit be added to the FLE, so that the protocol can continue operating the pair or in other ways increase our revenue and liquidity. The protocol will then manage to keep the pair more stable, even during ragequits. It also benefits from the ragequit because it adds value to the balance sheet.


Reposting feedback given in Telegram for transparency:

This is a nice start. There are some details missing or needing clarification.

It mentions 100% rewards. Please clarify if that means 100% of unclaimed rewards or 100% of all rewards since lockup…so claimed and unclaimed. If the latter, do they have to pay when they ragequit? If so, then we need a clear statement on how they can pay? For example, how must it be denominated?

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Reposting new feedback given in Telegram for transparency:

I typically include extra for the inconvenience. But if we are trying to standardize this, there definitely needs to be a scaling fee on top of that , ideally one that adjusts based on how the liquidity leaving affects the CR.

While we’ve broken 100% CR and hopefully never go back, this scenario needs to be account Ted for because it is the main reason Frax has historically needed locked liquidity

Reposting another feedback given in Telegram for transparency:

I’d also include the problem the proposal is solving (i.e., why allow rage quits) and the benefit to frax and the user of the solution.

We’ve built a wrapper at Hourglass so that locked LP positions in Frax/Convex are automatically tokenized. It’s currently active on our UI, but maybe it’d be better if we integrated the flow directly into the Frax website? Then everyone who participate in Frax farms get back a tokenized position they can trade on our marketplace.

Not a bad idea to have such a solution integrated into the website as an option, and would support such a proposal. However, making it the default setting is in my opinion opening up to too much third party risk, and making part of the protocol too dependent on third parties.

For transparency, there is a new suggestion to the proposal coming in the coming days. Waiting for feedback/the new propsoal.

Totally understand the concern for third-party risk, and for what it’s worth, the core locking logic has undergone 2 audits to underwrite its security.

Maybe we could just give users the option to mint the wrapper (but not force them to). We’ve been hosting the wrapper on our app for about a year now, but most people don’t know about it and as such the problem has continued on. Could easily fix this by providing the option on the frax frontend

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I actually think that might be a great idea. Especially if some information and risk around the option is informed as well. Could be a win/win in my opinion to have more direct integrations. Would love to hear the greater communities opinion on it and see if there can be a new precedent. I think your solution can be a good option for some people, but that it should be proposed in another proposal as this is supposed to be a standardization proposal and not a feature implementation per se.

If you need some help to write up a proposal or need some inputs on one let me know. I am happy to help where I can.

Thanks Sharky! Would love to collaborate with you on it. Want to shoot me a message @charliepyle on Telegram and we can draft something up?