Motivation & Background
- According to DAO CVX Leaderboard, Frax DAO is the largest holder of $CVX token on-chain. As Frax DAO accumulates more CVX tokens, Integral SIZE , a DeFi primitive for large orders, is an ideal venue for such transactions.
- Integral SIZE recently listed CVX-ETH pool to allow traders to swap CVX and ETH based on a 30-min Time Weighted Average Price TWAP with zero price impact.
- Trading $CVX tokens on SIZE will save Frax DAO money in terms of incurring zero price impact and lower fees. This is especially important when the CVX trade is large. A $200,000 trade of ETH to CVX could potentially incur up to 2% price impact on other on-chain venues.
- In this proposal, Frax DAO will accumulate CVX on SIZE size in the future. - This benefits Frax DAO in the following aspects:
- Fee saving:
- 1 bp on Integral SIZE.
- 30 bps on Sushiswap.
- 43.5 bps on Curve.
- 1% on Uniswap v3.
- Price impact saving: Integral SIZE offers execution of CVX-ETH pair at 30-min TWAP with zero price impact based on Sushiswap’s CVX-ETH price oracle.
- Fee saving:
- Frax DAO can use SIZE within Gnosis Safe App. Details: mirror
.xyz/0x7683AB2538FE4fd9Fd0b8863fFD6B664EF4Fa9b4/GZDy1oGW68kO7PCkiGUgpA942_yVNklj3dGXl2eLe20 - In addition, Frax DAO can choose to provide liquidity with any liquid CVX and ETH tokens in the CVX-ETH pool on SIZE for high APRs.
More about SIZE
Integral SIZE is a decentralized exchange built for large trades of ERC-20 tokens. It allows trades to be executed at 30-minute TWAP with zero price impact. Announcement: twitter
.com/IntegralHQ/status/1506254024764403715?s=20&t=lU83at0GwVJR4cbvtbz97g, white paper: assets We were quoted in an interesting piece : twitter
.com/IntegralHQ/status/1506851577239273475?s=20&t=j9dW3NxjoMQx_22Hg-mp6w by TechCrunch: techcrunch
.com/2022/03/23/despite-declines-the-value-of-crypto-assets-in-defi-protocols-is-up-3x-from-a-year-ago/?tpcc=tcplustwitter recently regarding DeFi growth and TVL.
Key features:
- For Traders: zero price impact of large trades including less liquid tokens.
- For LPs: passive accrual of yield while achieving mean zero IL.
- Reliant on an external price oracle such as Uniswap v2 and Sushiswap for price discovery over time.
Documentation: docs
Discord: discord
(Had to break the links)