Hello everyone,
I would like to present you with this strategy to subsidize the return to peg of cvxFXS.
For the purpose of partaking in the FPI airdrop, a relevant portion of the supply held by the community has been converted to cvxFXS.
This has been rapresentative of the faith that the Frax’s community had placed in both Frax and Convex but, unfortunately, it has produced a significant influx of cvxFXS into the pool, causing the cvxFXS/FXS V2 Curve pool’s liquidity to get unbalanced and the loss of the cvxFXS’s peg.
This directly harms the community itself and, indirectly, also damages both Frax and Convex as projects.
The problem:
Everyone would benefit from a return to peg but, to re-establish it, we need the liquidity to get balanced out.
- Excessive incentives to the pool would be inflationary.
- Newly minted FXS supply would be created during the expansion phase but in the context of Frax’s demand and FXS’s price contraction.
- Organic FXSs entering the pool would diluite the yeld for present LPers.
- the majority of cvxFXS holders haven’t yet provided liquidity due to the current unfavourable conditions (130M$ vs 30M$ in the pool)
This would mean that a lot of time might be needed to see all cvxFXS deployed and desirable peg conditions met
A long time spent below peg could risk to undermine trust.
My proposal:
My idea to resolve this situation in the most desirable way for all parties is to run an AMO operation on the convex v2 cvxFXS/FXS pool by:
- Direclty minting FXS into the pool
- Bring back the peg
- Take out Lp tokens and reserve the yeld for the Frax’s treasury
- Redistribute the yeld from the Tresury to FXS holders (aka the pool itself)
- When cvxFXS goes above peg (FXS < cvxFXS) withdraw the LPs as FXSs and burn them
This would produce an immediate return to the peg without impacting the market price of FXS while, simultaneously, would not diluite the yeld in any ways for every currently present or future LPer in the pool.
The yeld accrued from the AMO would not diluite LPers simply because it could be resupplied to the pool as FXSs, or even as CRVs, CVXs and FXSs.
This would allow an efficient exchange between FXS/cvxFXS, resolve the Fud, cut the losses for the community, allow cvxFXS holders to deploy their tokens to the pool and, ultimately, allow for the conversion of FXSs into cvxFXS in Convex to resume gradually as the demand to swap FXS into cvxFXS pushes the peg in favour of cvxFXS, thus allowing the AMO to withdraw liquidity as FXS and burn it.
I feel like this solution balances out the immediate injection of liquidity that Convex has benefitted from, in the form of gained governance weight from cvxFXS conversions in view of the FPI airdrop.
This kind of AMO strategy would subsidize the community losses and shift the risk from us to Convex in the sense of allowing the market dynamics to determine how long would it need for the AMO’s liquidity to be fully withdrawn and burned and, thus, the cvxFXS/FXS conversion process to gain full traction again.
All while maintaining a stable peg to the benefit of all parties.
Thank you all for your attention, time and work,
I sincerely admire and respect every single person involved with both this projects.
Hope you will find my proposal useful and might consider it for a snapshot,
looking forward to read your opinions.
Edit: Arguably the passing of such a proposal would incentivize the organic purchase of cvxFXS under peg from the pool and influx of big FXS capital to capture the arbitrage before the AMO is even deployed.
This would produce a further positive pressure on FXS’s price while drastically reducing the AMO’s expected size and time needed for the whole liquidity to be withdrawn.