Creation of Frax Finance Español 2024

:railway_track: Following Chainlink Labs’ Path with Chainlink en Español
Following the same path as Chainlink Labs, with the creation a few months ago of Chainlink en Español, in a similar way I want to commit to creating and promoting the Frax Finance en Español Community.

:rocket: Launching the First Crash Course on Frax Finance
I have been a loyal defender of Frax Finance for more than a year and recently I have launched the First Crash – Course on Frax Finance for the Spanish-speaking community through Binance Labs, receiving good feedback accompanied by good viewing metrics.

:books: DeFi Ecosystem Course for Spanish Speakers
I have also conducted the First Course on DeFi Ecosystem Fundamentals for the Spanish-speaking community, completely free, with 23 lessons of great value, each approximately 1 hour long.

:globe_with_meridians: World’s First On-Chain Exam
After the realization of the Free Live Course, I scheduled the First On-Chain Exam in the World which consisted of 30 multiple-choice questions about the contents seen, with a prize of 1000 USDC that could be claimed by the 3 participants with the highest score.

:arrows_counterclockwise: Pivoting as LYTRYUM’s Co-Founder
As the Co-Founder of LYTRYUM, I find myself in a situation where I have decided to pivot and dedicate all my time and commitment to add value to the Protocol with which I feel most identified in values, Frax Finance.

:video_game: Managing a Thriving Discord Community
Currently, I have created and managed a loyal community on Discord with more than 300 Spanish-speaking users, with some of the members being ambassadors of some important projects (PancakeSwap, Venus Protocol, Chainlink, TrustWallet,, and Astar Network).

:handshake: Building Bridges in Traditional Sectors
I also have important contacts in the traditional banking sector and in public administration.

:pray: Seeking Support
I would love to be able to receive support from all of you, to be considered as an official Advocate of Frax Finance en Español, and to lead the largest Spanish-speaking community of Frax.


I am part of the community created around FraxGod.eth education content. I would like to remark the passion he puts on the DeFi ecosystem and more specific on Frax protocol. FraxGod is a reputable member of the spanish community and I am sure he can do a very good job representing and educating spanish community about the options Frax can offer.


I am Maczam, ambassador for Latam of Astar Network.

I have met Frax thanks to Domitri. His classes are great. I think he is the person who has the most knowledge of Frax in Spanish.

He is also one of the people who knows the most about DEFI in the world.

I support the proposal and I will also be a student in your course and I will invite more Latinos to join the course.


Me parece muy interesante la propuesta y cuentas con todo mi apoyo


Sería muy bueno tener Frax en español, se abriría a 493 millones de potenciales usuarios que hablan español.


Después de seguir a Dimitri durante tanto tiempo, soy consciente de que todas sus propuestas han llevado a superar siempre mis espectativas. Cuenta con todo mi apoyo para esta propuesta también :muscle:


Necesitamos este tipo de contenido en español.

We need this type of content in Spanish.


I am a trader and investor in DeFi protocols for several years, and I have collaborated with many Spanish-speaking communities in the dissemination of content about web3. Thanks to this, I have had the fortune of getting to know DIMITRI, and he has shared his extensive knowledge with me about Frax Finance. I believe that his initiative and knowledge can help Frax Finance reach a wider audience in Latin America and other Spanish-speaking countries. Therefore, I support his initiative, hoping that everything contributes to the development of Frax.


Let’s do it ! @FraxGod.eth


Being part of several Spanish-speaking communities myself, I know FraxGod.eth as an excellent communicator with a thorough understanding of blockchain and DeFi.

Furthermore, he has created a very active community around his own academy – Lytryum, attracting a wide range of blockchain enthusiasts and specialists that have a deep knowledge in areas ranging from different protocols and blockchains to banking and trading. The discussions and information shared are of great value and the network of relationships gives FraxGod.eth access to communities all over Latin America and Spain.

A very distinct aspect that makes him stand out in the Spanish-speaking community is that he is a passionate expert and connoiseur of Frax Finance.

The combination of in-depth knowledge of Blockchain in general and Frax Finance in particular, excellent communication skills, great capabilities of creating a vibrant community and extensive connections in the Spanish-speaking community make him an excellent Advocate of Frax Finance en Español.


In all this time that we have learned with Dimitri we have started from scratch until we were able to interact with the first on-chain exam and be able to know that there is a project with FRAX Finance that he has also shared with us, being for me a clear and concise MasterClass. direct approach to consolidate a FRAX community in Spanish, leader, teacher and friend!!!


I have known FraxGod.eth for a year now and I have no doubt that he is the best person to lead the Frax community in Spanish. He is a great teacher who has brought a lot of knowledge to the Spanish speaking community, and has allowed many of us to learn about these topics of which FraxGod.eth is a great expert.


Se nota cuando a alguien le apasiona lo que hace y a Dimitri le apasiona DeFi y la tecnologia Blockchain . Creo que puede ser un magnifico representante para la comunidad hispana de este protocolo, sinceramente puede ser la persona con mayor conocimiento de FRAX.


Estoy firmemente convencido que FraxGod.eth aportará soluciones de calidad a este protocolo dada su conocimiento del mismo así como su increíble labor como formador. Quizá el curso de Fundamentos del Ecosistema de las Finanzas Descentralizadas en español, que además es gratuito, sea de lo mejor que existe actualmente en el ecosistema.

No dudo de la capacidad de Dimitri para aportar lo mejor de si mismo para promocionar y formar a toda al comunidad hispana en el protocolo Frax Finance.


Me parece muy importante e interesante la creacoón de Frax Finance en español, ya que existe un gran numero de usuarios de habla hispana, asimismo señalar que Dimitri es super capo y un gran profesor, que he tenido la suerte de aprender un poco y aun vamos por ese camino, muchos exitos en el proyecto ;)!


Good luuuuuuck!! You are the indicated!!!


FraxGod.eth has the skills and competencies necessary to lead the Spanish community as well as the relationships to grow the Spanish community and increase the potential value of the community, translating it into growth opportunities for the protocol, as an evangelist DeFi has the knowledge and personal values to replicate the values that FRAX has as an organization.


Sabiendo como eres Dimitri, no conozco a nadie más oportuno para representar a Frax!


La comunidad Hispano hablante está conformada por más de 493 millones de personas; es la segunda lengua materna con más hablantes en el mundo, y la cuarta más hablada en cómputo global con más de 548 millones de personas.

Somos un mercado que, junto con el Chino, debemos ser tenido en cuenta en cualquier estrategia empresarial que busque la expansión internacional de su marca, producto o servicio.

Además, como latinos que somos, la pasión y la lealtad son sesgos que marcan e impregnan nuestros carácteres y, por ello, constituimos comunidades muy fuertes en torno a propuestas y movimientos que nos tienen en cuenta.

Por último, solo añadiré que tanto España como los distintos países que conforman Latino América son sociedades hermanas que comparten historia, cultura, lengua materna, costumbres y valores, y una convicción de que la tecnología DLT y las Finanzas Descentralizadas son el siguiente paradigma económico, y queremos estar en él sumando y aportando valor en los principales protocolos, como FRAX, desde el principio.


I´m fully in support of the establishment of a Frax Finance community in Spanish. FraxGod, with his passion and dedication to the ecosystem, is undoubtedly the most suited to lead this initiative. Providing a space in Spanish not only facilitates access to information but also promotes inclusion and diversity in the sector. This proposal is essential to strengthen Frax Finance’s presence among Spanish speakers. I wholeheartedly back this initiative.