[FIP - 2XX] Add Ramses CL FRAX/USDC to the FXS gauge controller

Author: Trantor, @ Ramses


Ramses is a highly efficient DEX on Arbitrum that has been consistently achieving outstanding volume to TVL ratios across a wide variety of pairs in our Concentrated Liquidity pools. FRAX and RAMSES have already established a partnership that sees FRAX control approximately 5M veRAM (1.35% of the total) demonstrating the significant influence that FRAX already exerts within the RAMSES ecosystem. This proposal requests the addition of Ramses FRAX/USDC CL at 0.01% fees to the FXS gauge controller.

References/Useful links:

Ramses Website → https://www.ramses.exchange/

A common trend observed in the industry is the desire for projects to assert dominance over their peer protocols, often neglecting the potential benefits of collaboration in enhancing the overall ecosystem. However, RAMSES takes a different approach by challenging this narrative and seeking partnerships across the Arbitrum ecosystem.
At RAMSES, our team believes in fostering a collaborative environment where we strive to assist and support not only our own project but also our competitors. We recognize that working together and focusing on a common goal can lead to positive outcomes for all communities involved. Our approach to the recent STIP for Arbitrum was testament to that approach and to our ability to listen to the needs and desires of the community.

As a protocol, RAMSES is already offering some of the best volume to TCL ratios in all of defi, RAMSES CL Analytics with highly efficient swaps using Concentrated Liquidity. As a ve3,3 DEX, Ramses is naturally partner focused and dedicated to long term sustainability and partner growth. The addition of this pool is likely to bring significantly more exposure to the FRAX/USDC pool and thus more fees and deposits. These fees will of course be captured by voters, including the FRAX protocol controlled veNFT of approximately 1.35% of all veRAM as in seen on defi wars.

The pool address is:

Ramses FRAX/USDC CL Pool Address: 0x6A9D961c9602fB484bA3C47c5F822b66721C9669


For: Add the FRAX/USDC CL pool to the FXS gauge controller

Against: Do nothing

Ramses is eager to see the partnership that already exists between FRAX and Ramses further develop and for more options for FRAX deposits to be available.


For more details from defi wars please see: Ramses Wars


for the Ramses dune analytics: https://dune.com/ramses-exchange/ramses


Ramses co-founder here,

Wanted to show my gratitude to Trantor for posting this, and the Frax team for always being a fantastic partner to have. We are keen to collaborate even deeper with Frax and to support FRAX and frxETH liquidity on Arbitrum-- to boost sFRAX and sfrxETH yields consequently. This specific pair (FRAX-USDC [CL]) is one we are very fond of and generates significant volume. Since CL positions are potentially harder to integrate with the veFXS gauges, there is also the ability to wrap them into an ALM (Gamma, DeFiEdge, ETC) to receive a stakable ERC-20 to streamline the process. Happy to work together in any capacity to make this a reality!

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@amirnader is there a process to keep this moving? Do we need more comment before it can go to a vote?