[FIP - 301,302] Add Curve FRAX/USDC.e and frxETH/WETH on Arbitrum to the FXS gauge controller


Proposal to add Curve FRAX/USDC.e and frxETH/WETH pools on Arbitrum to the FXS gauge controller.

Background And Motivation

Adding the Curve FRAX/USDC.e and frxETH/WETH pools to the FXS gauge controller on Arbitrum is a strategic move by Frax Finance to enhance its liquidity and market presence. Additionally, the FXS gauge’s ability to distribute ARB tokens positions it as a vital instrument for Frax Finance to efficiently allocate current and future grant-funded incentives within the ecosystem.

Pool Details

FRAX/USDC.e Curve Pool on Arbitrum:

Curve Pool Address: https://curve.fi/#/arbitrum/pools/factory-v2-41/deposit

Pool / Token : 0xc9b8a3fdecb9d5b218d02555a8baf332e5b740d5

CRV Gauge : 0x95285ea6ff14f80a2fd3989a6bab993bd6b5fa13

frxETH/WETH Curve Pool on Arbitrum:

Curve Pool Address: https://curve.fi/#/arbitrum/pools/factory-v2-140/deposit

Pool / Token : 0x1deb3b1ca6afca0ff9c5ce9301950dc98ac0d523

CRV Gauge : 0x46fec59eb30c2d610917ebf4ce5114f7425b2c4a


  • For: Add mentioned Curve pool on Arbitrum to the FXS gauge controller
  • Against: Do nothing
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[FIP - 301] Add Curve FRAX/USDC.e on Arbitrum to the FXS gauge controller : Snapshot

[FIP - 302] Add Curve frxETH/WETH on Arbitrum to the FXS gauge controller : Snapshot