[FIP - 279] Add Curve frxETH/WETH to the FXS gauge controller


Proposal to add the Curve frxETH/WETH to the FXS gauge controller.

Background And Motivation

Building on the momentum of FIP - 229 , which extended FXS gauge eligibility to pools and vaults with frxETH, we now have an opportunity to stimulate further growth of frxETH.

This initiative is a strategic element of our growth plan for frxETH. By leveraging Convex’s proficiency in enhancing yield for Curve LP positions, we seek to stimulate more substantial growth and adoption of frxETH. The inclusion of these pools not only augments the utility of frxETH but also brings diversification and resilience to our strategy.

Pool Details

frxETH/WETH Curve Pool:

Curve Pool Address: https://curve.fi/#/ethereum/pools/factory-crvusd-15/deposit

Pool / Token : 0x9c3b46c0ceb5b9e304fcd6d88fc50f7dd24b31bc

Gauge : 0x4e21418095d32d15c6e2b96a9910772613a50d50


  • For: Add a frxETH/WETH Curve pool to the FXS gauge controller
  • Against: Do nothing

This proposal is up for voting here: Snapshot