[FIP - 331, ... ,335] Add Fraxswap pools on Fraxtal to the FXS gauge controller


Proposal to add Fraxswap main pools on Fraxtal to the FXS gauge controller.

Background And Motivation

The recent launch of Fraxtal, marks a significant advancement in our ecosystem, enhancing transaction efficiency and scalability. In light of this development, it’s crucial to ensure robust liquidity for the protocol’s main assets to support its operational success and user engagement. The proposed addition of Fraxswap pools on Fraxtal to FXS gauge controller addresses this need by incentivizing participation and enhancing the liquidity landscape.

Pool Details

FRAX/wfrxETH Fraxswap Pool on Fraxtal:
Pool : 0x4527bcEd9d41706D1436507e9a6e354d3FF44ff9

FRAX/FXS Fraxswap Pool on Fraxtal:
Pool : 0xb4dA8dA10ffF1F6127ab71395053Aa1d499b503F

FRAX/FPI Fraxswap Pool on Fraxtal:
Pool : 0x0EFFABede4e31101DE5209096611D073981A817b

FRAX/FPIS Fraxswap Pool on Fraxtal:
Pool : 0x78d264E25781f31343352A0f91875B655c79B843

FRAX/sfrxETH Fraxswap Pool on Fraxtal:
Pool : 0xEBD293F2173082320d88533316F5964298dE316E


  • For: Add mentioned Fraxswap pool on Fraxtal to the FXS gauge controller
  • Against: Do nothing

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