[FIP - 346] Add zunETH/frxETH to FXS gauge controller


Add zunETH/frxETH to FXS gauge controller

Curve Pool Address: Curve.fi
Pool / Token: 0x3a65cbaebbfecbea5d0cb523ab56fdbda7ff9aaa
Gauge: 0x44f30d79f62a3d5340030d64806cd73239889f07
Website: https://www.zunami.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZunamiProtocol
Documentation: Introduction - Zunami Protocol Docs


Zunami is a decentralized protocol that issues aggregated stablecoins (zunUSD, zunETH), whose collateral is utilized in omnipools and differentiated among various profit-generating strategies. We create Omni pools and issue zStables on top of them.

zunETH is ETH-pegged stablecoin, collateralized by LP tokens from Zunami’s ETH Omni pool and backed by ETH held in Curve pools. Our ETH Omni pool will provide liquidity to the frxETH pools on Curve, such as wETH/frxETH, stETH/frxETH, sETH/frxETH.


Zunami has actively supported the FRAX from the beginning, and has provided liquidity to the pools paired with FRAX and frxETH. zunETH is built using sfrxETH and pools paired with frxETH as collateral. Receiving FXS emission will allow the zunETH/frxETH pool on Convex/FRAX to increase TVL and benefit the entire ecosystem.


  • For: Add the zunETH/frxETH pool to the FXS gauge controller
  • Against: Do nothing.

This proposal is up for voting here: Snapshot