[FIP-322] Flywheel Funding For 2024


DeFi Dave


Authorize $370,000 in base funding (50% FRAX/50% FXS priced at 30 day avg.) and $200,000 in extra incentives over the next 12 months to support Flywheel in our media, education, and outreach efforts for the Frax ecosystem.


Since our inception in June 2022 until now, Flywheel has evolved from a single podcast to a full-fledged subDAO of Frax that specializes in media, education, and culture. The Frax Core Team is unique among its contemporaries as it does not prioritize growth/marketing internally, choosing to invest resources in technological development and research. Flywheel has stepped up to fill this void in a grassroots manner. In a world of mercenaries, Flywheel stands out as a missionary proving ourselves many times over not only of our loyalty but effectiveness in spreading awareness of Frax far and wide. With Fraxtal (Fraxchain) around the corner, Flywheel’s role in Frax will only grow in importance and will give us an opportunity to expand the surface level of our coverage and outreach.

In 2024, our goals are to:

  • Transform passive observers into active participants in the Frax Ecosystem.
  • Cultivate a vibe for Frax that people can identify with and have positive feelings toward.
  • Solidify Flywheel as the educational and cultural backbone of Frax.

In this proposal, we will review

  • What we accomplished last year
  • How funds will be allocated this year
  • Comparisons to efforts by other DAOs

Year in Review

Since applying for our last grant in January 2023, we have greatly expanded our efforts offering multiple Frax-focused weekly content items, community activities, and in real-life events.

Online Content

Looking back on the past year, we are proud to share the following:

  • Flywheel is the go-to destination for anyone looking to learn or keep up with anything and everything Frax. Whether it’s having a Frax 101 section on our website dedicated to breaking down how different subprotocols and AMOs work, creating tutorials on how to use the Frax family of products, or being the first to report on developments like Fraxchain, Flywheel has been effective in its mission of disseminating information about Frax throughout DeFi.
  • Our coverage of news and updates are found on This Week in Frax which highlights the biggest developments for the protocol on a weekly basis on YouTube, Twitter, and our newsletter. Flywheel now has two bi-weekly programs that supplement our news coverage of Frax including Cryptovestor’s Alpha Corner and Frax Check. Cryptovestor’s Alpha Corner features the die-hard Fraximalist, Cryptovestor, who shares his findings of relevant information of Frax’s development and shipping in newsletter and video form. Frax Check is one of the longest lasting programs of Flywheel that goes straight to the numbers to share the protocol’s health and performance over a two-week time period.
  • One of the most highly praised areas of Flywheel is our clips and shorts from our long-form video content. Distributing them on both YouTube and TikTok, our clips have been able to receive tens of thousands of views.
  • Our flagship Flywheel podcast takes deeper dives into the Frax protocol from both the core team internally and analysts/commentators externally as well as builds bridges with key opinion leaders and protocols beyond Frax. Our podcast stands out for going deep into subject matters and has become a growing destination for researchers and market participants of all sizes to stay up to date on Frax, DeFi, and everything in between.
    • Driven by natural curiosity, the Flywheel podcast interviews the most interesting developments in DeFi and beyond. In the past, we have had industry-heavyweights such as Kain Warwick and Rune Christiansen, up and coming builders from f(x) protocol and Dolomite, commentators like Ansem and Gwart, as well as many others.
    • We continue to host a wide range of Frax-centric interviews whether it’s with alpha leaks with Sam Kazemian, breakdowns of subprotocols with core devs, or hearing out analyst reasonings for their bullishness on Frax with Stacy Muur, Winter Soldier, DeFi Cheetah, and others. Furthermore, we have featured an educational clip of frxETH at the beginning of every episode and a link in the description.

Real-World Outreach

Strikingly in 2023, Flywheel hosted a number of events online and in real life as well as spoke on behalf of Frax on a number of occasions. The purpose of these events was to engage builders and users about Frax beyond the realm of content.

It’s clear how Flywheel stepped up here, while the core team was heads down shipping, we were on the ground educating and spreading awareness of Frax around the world.

  • Acting as a Core Advocate for Frax, DeFi Dave was able to organize six happy hours around the world, speak on behalf of Frax on multiple spaces online and on major occasions in real life, successfully execute Frax’s first-ever hackathon online, and lead the Frax Educational Incentive Program for the community.
    • The Frax Happy Hours were a series of in real life events primarily during conference weeks that offered a space to directly engage with Frax. Flywheel was prolific in this endeavor, hosting happy hours at ETHDenver, ETH Tokyo, Hong Kong, ETH Waterloo, ETHcc (Paris), and Token2049 (Singapore). Along with spreading awareness of Frax, these happy hours were able to bring together people from across the space to connect and learn from each other in a fruitful manner and friendly environment.
    • At ETHDenver this past year, Frax Co-Founder set the tone for 2023 with his talk about Stablecoin Maximalism, why the Frax Core team believes in this framework, and how Frax is building in that direction. Flywheel took it upon itself to champion stablecoin maximalism, writing an article explaining the philosophical framework and as a Core Advocate, DeFi Dave participated in a number of speaking engagements on behalf of Frax including at Zuzalu and ETHcc.
      • Zuzalu was a two-month temporary city organized by Vitalik himself that brought together great minds across frontier tech. Representing Frax, DeFi Dave was accepted as a guest of the community and organized a panel with QiDAO about stablecoins and hosted a talk about Frax and Stablecoin Maximalism to 25+ people. At ETHcc, one of the highest regarded conferences outside of Devconnect and Devcon, DeFi Dave gave his speech “Stablecoin Maximalism: DeFi’s Universal Framework ‘’, to a packed audience.
    • In addition, DeFi Dave participated in a number of Twitter spaces on behalf of Frax as well as in panels in real life for Stable Summit in Paris and Singapore.
      • Collectively attended by thousands of people, DeFi Dave has joined Twitter spaces with the likes of Arbitrum, OKX, Wombat, Dappos, and countless others educating wider audiences in crypto on what Frax is and how Frax works. At Stable Summit, DeFi Dave represented Frax on a panel in Paris, moderated one in Singapore, and moderated another one in the form of a Twitter Space prior to Istanbul.
  • Engaging the community, Flywheel was able to lead the FraxBUILD Hackathon and Frax Educational Incentive Program. These initiatives were the first in Frax history that gave builders a clear path to develop in the Frax ecosystem and writers to share their research about Frax in their own words.
    • In partnership with Dorahacks, the FraxBUILD hackathon focused on three areas including Product Expansion, Consumer Adoption, and Data Analytics. Engaging participants with workshops and office hours, builders and onlookers alike were able to engage the Frax Core Team in a unique manner with Sam Kazemian even sharing the plans for frxETH v2 along the way. From this hackathon, the Frax ecosystem was given a boost of new projects and platforms including the Fraxlend vault Fraximal (Product Expansion, 1st place), the Sticker protocol which built digital stickers that were backed by frxETH (Consumer Adoption, 1st place), and a numbers of others.
    • The Frax Educational Incentive Program was established with the mission of spreading awareness of Frax throughout DeFi and beyond. Since starting in April, writers, threadors, and dashboard creators across the Frax community submitted hundreds of entries and proliferated a wave of content that otherwise would have never existed. The result has been threads that have collectively seen hundreds of thousands of views.

Case Study: How Flywheel Organically Creates Narratives From Scratch

A clear example that perfectly encapsulates the power of Flywheel is our campaign for BAMM. BAMM (or Borrow AMM) has been in the works for some time with plans of it being discussed as early as March 2023. Through research and conversations with members of the core team, Flywheel was able to author an article of how BAMM worked and organically distribute across social media, creating a conversation about the primitive in the process.

There were two parts of this campaign, the initial BAMM thread and DeFi Dave’s screenshot. What both were able to do well is spark a discussion and excite people about the innovation. This was especially true when Michael the founder of Curve quote tweeted Dave. Final numbers of this campaign include the BAMM thread reaching 90k impressions and DeFi Dave’s tweet reaching 193k impressions making the culminating total being over 280k impressions. FXS was trending on CoinGecko and discussions about Frax were rampant on Twitter as well as across social media. Although the concept of a Borrow-AMM is nothing new with multiple projects working on some version of it, what Flywheel was able to accomplish was creating a narrative for it from scratch and attaching Frax as one of the primary drivers of the category.

Our BAMM efforts perfectly illustrate the information distribution pipeline for the Frax ecosystem that we have painstakingly built over the past year and a half. Following this blueprint, we can repeat this result for new primitives & initiatives and put Frax in the position of maximum exposure.

By The Numbers


Flywheel’s growth has remained consistent over the past year. Since January of 2023, Flywheel has more than doubled our followers on Twitter from 2500 to 5750 and our YouTube subscribers from 1350 to 2800. Twitter has proven to be our most pivotal outlet in terms of distribution, and in the past 10 months alone we have received over 2 million impressions.

Although promising, these platforms are “rented”, and beyond distribution, it comes with its own set of limitations. This all changed when we moved off of substack and launched our own website FlywheelDeFi.com. Launched in August of 2023, FlywheelDeFi.com is the first time Flywheel owns the top of the content funnel, allowing us to engage and capture audiences, new and recurring alike, in a sustainable manner. With our website/newsletter along with distribution channels, Flywheel has grown to a collective audience of 10,000 users.

Of this audience, in just four months of our website launch we have added 4k more users in which 2/3rds are entering through new doorways into the brand. A huge signal that the audience is engaged with the new website is that users are on the site on an average of 2:12 with over 10% of people further exploring the site beyond the homepage by clicking on at least one more page on the site. Although the new website has been up for a short amount of time, if there is one thing that the data shows, it’s that Flywheel keeps the audience engaged.


The Frax DAO has committed $267.2k to Flywheel between February 8th, 2023 to February 8th, 2024. For the first 5 months, the payout was split 80% in FXS/20% in FRAX at a price of $10 per FXS. For the next 7 months after that, the payout was established to be split 50% in FXS/50% in FRAX at a price of a 30-day TWAP of FXS from the previous month. Other activities we have done for Frax include organizing the FraxBUILD Hackathon for $7.5k and organizing and participating in the Frax Educational Incentives which has totaled to date $16,988.50. In total, that puts Frax’s commitment in 2023 at $291,688.50.

Since inception, Flywheel has not sold any FXS and have been able to accumulate over 24 sfrxETH, 5,030.2263 FPIS, and 3500 pitchFXS. We have been able to do this from receiving outside investment and support from PIF Labs which alleviates a number of core expenses. Our ETH Address can be found here: 0xaab5e297b7113b6c188b5b611ba2724bc1decf6f

Plans for 2024

Last year, how our grants were structured were on a per-task basis. This year, we will list the general responsibilities that Flywheel will be executing on behalf of Frax as well as to keep its own house organized. In order for Flywheel DeFi to still function and operate at the level it does now, then we must be able to fund itself properly. Funding from this grant will be able to support a staff of 6 people which include myself as DeFi Dave (CEO, Core Advocate), Sam McCoulloch, (Executive Producer), Kiet Fong (CFO, Co-Host), Peepo (Media Editor), Carissa Campo (Growth Lead), and Phil Lewy (Content Specialist):

Item Description Grant Coverage Details Staff Cost
Education and Awareness Production of Frax-centric content including This Week in Frax, Frax Check, Cryptovestor’s Alpha Corner, etc. Production of flagship Flywheel podcast and include updated education slots that feature Fraxchain, sFRAX, and sfrxETH. Creation of tutorials, how-to guides, and explainers of Frax and its products. First to break stories about Frax and shape the Frax narrative to the wider public. To be distributed on YouTube, Twitter, Newsletter/Website, etc. Grant covers 100% of these activities Sam, Phil, Peepo, Dave, Kiet $210,000 Base
Business Development Be the first point of contact for prospective projects interested in entering the Frax ecosystem. Onboard protocols and chains onto Fraxtal. Lead marketing endeavors to amplify selected partners. Make intros and manage relevant relationships for the Frax Core Team. Speak on behalf of Frax as a Core Advocate at conferences, on spaces, etc. Grant covers 100% of these activities Dave (Core Advocate), Sam $50,000 Base, $200,000 Extra Incentives at the discretion of Frax Core Team
Culture and Events Organizing activities such as satellite conference events, happy hours, workshops, meetups, etc. Creation of merch and other cultural items. Pursuing unique unorthodox collaborations to bolster Frax’s brand and image. Grant covers 100% of these activities. Dave, Carissa $105,000 Base
Buffer Costs Costs that cover ongoing and unforeseen expenses including upgrades, subscriptions, contractors, travel, etc. Grant covers 100% of the costs Misc. $5,000 Base

Education and Awareness as well Business Development are responsibilities covered 100% by the grant. As exemplified in our year in review, we have a long track record of executing in both areas and will continue on that momentum in 2024. Sam, Phil, and Peepo are an iconic trio who have stepped up to make sure that content is curated, published, and distributed in an effective fashion. Sam has been with Flywheel since it’s inception making sure our content machine runs smoothly. Peepo has contributed to Flywheel originally as an artist but has stepped up in a massive way as our media editor, editing long-form podcasts and creating renowned short clips. Phil joined Flywheel as an intern this year and has assisted Sam with posts and social media. Myself and Kiet have been hosting the Flywheel podcast since the beginning and while Kiet publishes is bi-weekly Frax Check, I have stepped up to direct and advise our editor team behind the scenes on direction and strategy.

Last year, I was asked multiple occasions by the Frax team to speak on different spaces and conferences and am proud to call myself a Core Advocate of the ecosystem. In addition, I have helped the Frax team make relevant connections whether it be with potential collaborators, organizers at conferences, power users, educators and creators, and more. Although many of these actions are behind the scenes and go unnoticed, they are vital to the growth of the ecosystem. This year, I will continue fulfilling my duties in these areas and do whatever is asked of me for Frax.

In 2023, what made Flywheel stand out in a big way was the quality of events & activities we had both online and offline as well as how we rebranded ourselves to the wider public. From hackathons to happy hours and everything in between, our outreach efforts bolstered Frax’s image in an intangibly valuable manner. A lot of my time was directed at organizing and executing events without a hitch and Carissa was instrumental in helping in this regard. Furthermore, Carissa led our website redesign that serves as a vital online organ in capturing and onboarding people into Frax. This year, she will continue delivering in these areas and helping Flywheel grow it’s reach and impact on behalf of Frax.

Additionally, Flywheel was able to begin to diversify it’s revenue streams by pursuing collaborations with Brain DAO, Metronome, and ZUSD to the tune of $60k. As more protocols integrate with the Frax ecosystem whether it be on Fraxtal or with the protocol itself, it will give us the opportunity to partner with more projects looking to invest in education efforts to our Frax-centric and DeFi-savy audience.

EDIT* Instead of receiving funds as FXS set at $6.90 via llamaPay, we are requesting to receive funds on a monthly basis as 50% FRAX/50% FXS with FXS priced at the 30 day avg.

Comparisons and Benchmarks

Compared to other growth and branding departments, Flywheel’s request is modest. In the most recent MakerDAO Growth Core Unit Proposal, the requested budget for their brand team alone was $1,825,380.53 with salaries making up $607,200 of the budget. The remaining expenses for the Brand team included Public Relations Mainstream & Crypto ($700,000), Digital Assets for Comms ($300,000), Professional Services ($150,000), and Travel and Events ($68,180.53). Because Flywheel owns its public relations pipeline, there is no need for that expense. Flywheel’s total budget for 2024 is approximately 1/4th of MakerDAO’s Growth Unit’s.

In November 2023 for devconnect, rAAVE, and ETH Global Istanbul alone, AAVE DAO requested a budget of $550,000.


Flywheel is the Education and Culture subDAO of Frax. We will continue to evangelize the ecosystem and build a community that people want to be apart of. Although we have made tremendous progress, we recognize the journey ahead of us is far from complete and we already have our heads down working to make 2024 a landmark year for Frax and Flywheel. As an ecosystem with multiple tokens in CoinGecko’s Top 100 that together (along with Frax’s subprotocols) hold a total of nearly $2 billion of value, Frax cannot afford anything less than world-class attention and quality that Flywheel delivers.


  • For: Approve Flywheel Funding of $370k Base & $200k Extra Incentives for 2024
  • Against: Do Nothing

Snapshot Voting: [FIP-322] Flywheel Funding For 2024


I’m all for it. My only suggestions would be to send the FXS tokens on a monthly basis with a 30 days dollar average. OR with longer time span (like every quarter) with a similar dollar average (last quarter). Keep grinding like you did in the past years!!!


Proposal looks good and reasonable to me, I would just like more color around how the $6.90 price was struck and why it makes more sense than the historical method of using a 30 day TWAP. Also, if this is being used to fund expenses, and I assume that means selling FXS, why not use a 100% allocation to FRAX instead with a zero duration vest for the purpose of continuing to fund Flywheel?


Probably a bit expensive to pay c.$530k for this (nonetheless very relevant and helpful) service. It’s approximately $100 per follower, I think it’s above market.
Also, not sure I get why assuming FXS is $6.90 while it hasn’t been trading there for months…


Answering the concern surrounding the $6.90 per FXS, it was an idea that was suggested to us and I wanted to see the community response. Right now, we receive FXS and FRAX on a monthly basis with the FXS price being the 30 day average. If the community prefers we stick to that, then I have no problem amending that part of the proposal :slightly_smiling_face:


2024 is a pivotal year for Frax and with the imminent release of Fraxchain, it’s important that as many people as possible know about and are educated on its capability. Flywheel is in the best position to spread Frax awareness and education. I support this proposal with the amended 30-day TWAP FXS price.

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You’re asking for 1/4th of MakerDAO’s Growth Unit’s budget with 1/15th the personnel, given most of the funding goes to a single person (DeFi Dave). It’s expensive.

And I would like to see more details for some of the budget items, what sort of expenses are included in “Culture”, what is the projected cost of each, based on what? Will there be any accountability that the money was indeed spent that way (receipts)?


let’s get the flywheel going! FUND FLYWHEEL 2024


Thank you for your question. Although I am the person who wrote the proposal, 100% of it goes to funding the Flywheel team which consists of a team of 6 people with 5 of them full-time.

Funding for each category is allocated toward the people responsible for it. For culture and events specifically, it is supporting Carissa and I. To give you more color on our activities, last year, Flywheel organized a wide variety of events that were both allocated in last years budget (satellite conference events, merch creation, website redesign) and requested in later proposals (Hackathon and Frax Educational Ecosystem Incentives).

The Frax Core Team has already expressed to me the desire to support more events and activities in 2024 which Flywheel will execute on their behalf.


For the record here, I am amending the proposal from 100% FXS at $6.90 to 50% FRAX and 50% FXS with the FXS price being the 30 day avg.


You’re on multiple teams so will you stand to benefit more than the others by double-dipping across budgets? What will the exact distribution of salaries among team members look like?

If all the people are FTE, is it really a wise use of DAO resources to hire 6 people full time for a podcast with less than 3k subscribers? (Quality notwithstanding, this is a high price for such a limited reach)


Ok I misunderstood this part, thanks for clarifying!


Asking for a 2x increase when growth is completely lacking.
The best tweet was Mich tweeting (maybe should pay mich?)

If you want an increase you need to actual show growth.

As others havent stated, its too expensive for whats being returned.

Also it should be obvious that you should stick to the monthly payments using a moving average.


We are a small team and as CEO I am leading different initiatives wearing different hats, hence why my name is in multiple places. Between 5 FTE at $475k a year we are averaging less than $100k per employee.

And again I will repeat, Flywheel is not just a podcast, it is the culture and education subDAO of Frax. I have detailed all of activities from last year which includes much more than our podcast in the original proposal.


Hey guys, been watching for a while now and like what you guys are doing but I do have some concerns with this proposal.

Cost per Subscriber in 2023:
The grant total of $225k spent in 2023, resulting in approximately $97 per subscriber, caught my attention. It seems like a considerable amount. Can we delve into the specifics of how this budget was allocated and the strategies employed? You already mentioned that you do other stuff and money is spent on other things but from a return on investment this is the most concrete benchmark number we got for the money spent.

Marketing Budget Increase:
I noticed a significant increase in the proposed budget, more than double the previous amount. Could you provide a detailed breakdown of the new budget, explaining the reasoning behind the increase and how it aligns with FRAX’s objectives and why this amount is reasonable?

Skillset and Results:
In the proposal, there were two sentences requesting $155k for marketing and business development. I think expanding on your skillset and showcasing past successes would strengthen the proposal. It’s crucial for us to understand how your expertise will contribute to FRAX’s marketing goals.

Team Size for Flywheel Push:
I’m curious about the need for a larger team to push the Flywheel, especially given the current subscriber count of 2300. Can we discuss the rationale behind the team size and how it correlates with the expected outcomes?

Subscriber Growth Target:
Considering the current growth rate, it might be beneficial to revisit the subscriber growth target. Would it be possible to aim for a more realistic amount, perhaps around 250k, before resubmitting the proposal?

Your efforts are appreciated, and I believe addressing these points will strengthen the overall proposal


This proposal feels particularly rent seeking because its bark far, far, far exceeds its bite. Now DefiDave’s coattailed ambitions become clear as he boldly assumes the language of “SubDAO”, and crowned himself as the CEO (but DAO?), despite the operation having no revenue nor any KPMs to remotely warrant such an appetite.

Some users have mentioned, and I agree, that an active Discord would be a more efficient and effective use of time and energy. DefiDave can be the community manager and be paid accordingly.

I did a cursory look through the Frax TG and found previous discontentment with the 2023 proposal. Sam told these folks to submit their own proposals.

Even if there is value to having an “Education and Culture subDAO of Frax”, I do not find DefiDave a compelling, engaging, apt, nor coherent leader for such an endeavor.

It is my hope Frax can shed this open and notorious nepotism and regain legitimacy here.


More than anything else,

I think a very fair amendment to this proposal should be:

Should this proposal pass, all prior and forthcoming FXS (/veFXS) distributed by Frax to Flywheel earmarked as grant(s) and/or funding should be excluded from use in Frax Snapshot and Gauge voting.

I also feel that the receiving wallet address should be made public information if it is not already.


For the BD side of things, I suggested to Dave to take a small amount up front as a base and then take a performance based bonus afterwards.
It’s a lot harder to assess the tangible deliverables over like X number of podcasts or Y engineering hours etc.
If he makes a lot of connections and contributes significantly to onboarding then it’s easy to justify rewarding that. But it’s hard not knowing what will actually be done as well as hours spent doing that over other tasks such as podcasts and educational materials.


That’s fine with me. After taking some suggestions, here is what I have as the final proposal. I will make these edits in the grant as well.

  • Authorize $370,000 in base funding (50% FRAX/50% FXS priced at 30 day avg.) and $200,000 in extra incentives over the next 12 months to support Flywheel in our media, education, and outreach efforts for the Frax ecosystem.
Item Description Grant Coverage Details Staff Cost
Education and Awareness Production of Frax-centric content including This Week in Frax, Frax Check, Cryptovestor’s Alpha Corner, etc. Production of flagship Flywheel podcast and include updated education slots that feature Fraxchain, sFRAX, and sfrxETH. Creation of tutorials, how-to guides, and explainers of Frax and its products. First to break stories about Frax and shape the Frax narrative to the wider public. To be distributed on YouTube, Twitter, Newsletter/Website, etc. Grant covers 100% of these activities Sam, Phil, Peepo, Dave, Kiet $210,000 Base
Business Development Be the first point of contact for prospective projects interested in entering the Frax ecosystem. Onboard protocols and chains onto Fraxtal. Lead marketing endeavors to amplify selected partners. Make intros and manage relevant relationships for the Frax Core Team. Speak on behalf of Frax as a Core Advocate at conferences, on spaces, etc. Grant covers 100% of these activities Dave (Core Advocate), Sam $50,000 Base, $200,000 Extra Incentives at the discretion of Frax Core Team
Culture and Events Organizing activities such as satellite conference events, happy hours, workshops, meetups, etc. Creation of merch and other cultural items. Pursuing unique unorthodox collaborations to bolster Frax’s brand and image. Grant covers 100% of these activities. Dave, Carissa $105,000 Base
Buffer Costs Costs that cover ongoing and unforeseen expenses including upgrades, subscriptions, contractors, travel, etc. Grant covers 100% of the costs Misc. $5,000 Base
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I know that here at Frax, the community encourages competing proposals and diversity of thought. I am fine with the revised “Education and Awareness”, “Culture and Events”, and “Buffer Costs”.

However, regarding Business Development, as written, it reads like a sales funnel directly to DefiDave.

I would like the “discretion of Frax Core Team” language to be revised.

And instead “Be the first point of contact”, I would rather the language “Be a first point of contact”.

This way, as far as Business Development, interested parties may submit competing proposals and would appreciate the opportunity to retain credit for their efforts.